Below are new features introduced in c#4.0 with example:
Dynamic Lookup: It resolves types in a program
at runtime. It’s very useful in below scenarios:
Office Automation or COM Interop scenarios.
Consuming types written in dynamic languages
(like IronPython, IronRuby…)
Call Reflection : currently we use Reflection to
instantiate a class when a types is not known at compile type.
Named and Optional Parameters: Named arguments enable you to
specify an argument for a particular parameter by associating the argument with
the parameter's name rather than with the parameter's position in the parameter
list. Optional Parameters
enable you to omit arguments for some parameters. Both techniques can be used
with methods, indexers, constructors, and delegates.
Covariance and Contravariance: covariance and
contravariance refers to the ordering of types from narrower to wider and their
interchange ability or equivalence in certain situations (such as parameters,
generics, and return types). (Source- Wikipedia).
Types that are
covariant: converting from a specialized type
(Cats) to a more general type (Animals): Every cat is an animal.
contravariant: converting from a general type
(Shapes) to a more specialized type (Rectangles): Is this shape a rectangle?
If you see above example here, you will find two interesting
point here inside Main method. If you try to compile this program in .Net
Framework 3.5 or less you will get error in second line of Main method saying
“An explicit conversation exist (are you
missing a cast?)”.
persons = new List<Employee>();
It’s really surprising, If a base class called Person can
hold the object of his child class called Employee, then why this is not
applicable in with group of objects. SO this is where C#4.0 introduced a
feature called Covariance. SO if you compile it under C# 4.0 compiler you will
not get any error.
So the result here is: Covariance preserves assignment
In above example, I have an overloaded method called
PrintPerson. If you compile above code in C# 3.5 or less version you will get
error on last line of code.
IEnumerable<Employee> empList = new List<Employee>();
But in C# 4.0 or later version it works fine. SO this is
where C#4.0 introduced a feature called Contravariance.
COM Interop Enhancement.
In C# 4.0, calling COM object become more
easier. For an example let’s talk about Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. We will
write a code to open a word file in C# 3.5 and C#4.0 and then we will see
what’s enhancements is done in C#4.0.
If you see the above code here, it says
itself about the enhancement of COM Interop library. Writing code become more
easier than earlier version of C#.
Thank You for reading. Feel free to give your