ASP.NET MVC 3 Dependency Injection
Dependency injection (DI) is a design pattern and it is
based on separating component behaviour from dependency resolution without
object intervention. In other words we can say it removes the tightly coupled
dependency between objects and components in collaboration model where there
are contributors and consumers.
To know more about Dependency Injection Pattern, Please follow below links:
To know more about Dependency Injection Pattern, Please follow below links:
Dependency Injection is a particular implementation of
Inversion of Control (IoC) principle, which says, An Object should not create other
object in which they rely. It means the consumer object receives his
dependencies inside constructor properties or arguments.
advantages of using Dependency Injection pattern and Inversion of Control are:
Reduces class coupling
Increases code reusing
Improves code maintainability
Improves application testing
In ASP.Net
MVC framework we need Dependency Injection to remove dependency between consumer
(say controller) and contributors (service/business layer object).
Now let’s
move on Implementation of Dependency Injection in ASP.Net MVC 3. Here we will
talk about using Dependency Injection inside an MVC controller. We can also use
Dependency Injection inside MVC View and MVC Action Filter.
I assume, you
already have the knowledge regarding ASP.Net MVC3.
starting first thing we have to do is, IoC container which basically create dependency
resolver per HTTP request. And I feel let’s not do that as there are lot many
open sources available which provides library to do this like Ninject, Unity
and so on.
Here I am
going to use Unity.MVC3 and will show you, How you can use Dependency Injection
inside controller using Unity.MVC3 IoC library. We will discuss to perform CRUD
of Unity.MVC3:
A library that allows simple
Integration of Microsoft's Unity IoC container with ASP.NET MVC 3. This project
includes a bespoke Dependency Resolver that creates a child container per HTTP
request and disposes of all registered IDisposable instances at the end of the
How to
get this library: To include this on project, Right click on your MVC3 app
solution in visual studio and click on “Manage NuGet Packages” and
search of Unity (refer below pic).
Here you
have select Unity.MVC3 (Highlighted on) click to install. Once you installed
this you can see below highlighted (in pic) dlls reference in your project:
Next step we
will create a service(with interface and implementation) which is basically responsible to communicate
with DB.
And then we
create the actual service class which perform all my CRUD operation to create,
delete, edit and modify user details to the DB.
Now we will
create a controller factory class for Unity which implements IControllerFactory interface, extending
CreateController and ReleaseController methods to work with
Unity. This factory will create the instances of the controllers that work with
Dependency Injection.
A controller
factory is an implementation of the IControllerFactory
interface, which is responsible both for locating a controller type and for
instantiating an instance of that controller type.
following implementation of CreateController
finds the controller by name inside the Unity container and returns an instance
if it was found. Otherwise, it delegates the creation of the controller to an
inner factory. One of the advantages of this logic is that controllers can be
registered by name.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
namespace MyMVC3WebApp.Factories
public class
UnityControllerFactory: IControllerFactory
private IUnityContainer
private IControllerFactory
public UnityControllerFactory(IUnityContainer container)
: this(container,
new DefaultControllerFactory())
protected UnityControllerFactory(IUnityContainer container, IControllerFactory innerFactory)
unityContainer = container;
defaultInnerFactory = innerFactory;
public IController
requestContext, string controllerName)
(Exception ex)
defaultInnerFactory.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
public System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateBehavior
requestContext, string controllerName)
public void
ReleaseController(IController controller)
Now next steps
we have to register this Unity Library. While installing Unity.MVC3 you have observed,
there is class called Bootstrapper.cs is been added to the solution including
above mentioned dlls (shown in below pic, highlighted one).
Now next
step we have to register our service Type inside BuilUnityController method
present under Bootstrapper class.
code in above pic is to register our service.
And the last
step we have to do is, call the Initialize method of the Bootstrapper class
from the global.asax.cs file. Shown in below pic
Now we have
done with the create part and will see how I am using this inside my
Now if you see, controller receives the business object through constructor and use
this to perform CRUD operation. So here our controller is no more depended on
creation object of service class on which it relays.
Please feel
free to give your suggestion/feedback.
Thank You
for reading this.